How to write your own totally epic wedding vows

Its one of the things that can be over looked in the madness of wedding planning, and then suddenly a few weeks out, when the ceremony is being formalised it hits you – “we need to choose some wedding vows!” … Continue reading
Perth Bridal Fairs – Ticking off your Wedding To-do list in one day!

The Perth Bridal Fair – Is it worth my time? It might be the fast-growing and most exciting annual Bridal event in Perth but why should you attend Perth Bridal Fair at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre? In the … Continue reading
Words of Wisdom for the Beginner Bride

The excitement of your new engagement has died down and you have now entered full wedding planning mode. You are starting to feel the pressure of what feels like a million decisions that you have to make between now and … Continue reading
Wedding Checklist – How To Plan Your Wedding

After the first excitement of getting engaged, then comes the realisation that you actually need to start planning a wedding. One of the best ways to stop all those thoughts racing around in your head and keeping you awake at … Continue reading
The Rise Of The Unplugged Wedding

The term ‘unplugged wedding’ has been around for a while now. In an era of 24-hour connectivity, where nearly everyone owns a smart phone and ‘likes’, ‘tweets’ and ‘shares’ are part of everyday life, we ask is there a place … Continue reading
How to Avoid Social Media Crashing Your Wedding

In today’s modern world, where mobile technology is king, many of us live our lives through social media sites. They certainly all have their place in our lives, especially helping to keep us in touch with friends and family abroad … Continue reading
Wedding On A Budget – How to Save Money

There is no denying that getting married can be an expensive business. The average wedding in Australia now costs upwards of $45,000 dollars. In general, the cost of the wedding venue plus the food and drink account for 50% of … Continue reading
Child Friendly Wedding Venues

A wedding celebration is a family occasion so there are more than likely going to be a few children sharing your special day. You may have lots of nieces or nephews who are all lining up to be flower girls … Continue reading
Tips for Beautiful Beach Weddings

Beach weddings are a very popular choice in Australia, with an endless supply of beautiful beaches and coastline to choose from. When most people think of a beach wedding they think of dazzling azure waters and cool ocean breezes with … Continue reading
How To Entertain Children at Your Wedding

One decision the bridal couple will need to make before sending out the invitations is whether to include children. It may be tempting to opt for a ‘child-free’ wedding, however, this may create difficulties for your guests, especially if they … Continue reading