Save the Date cards are a wonderful way to generate excitement for your wedding day and let people know that they will be invited to your wedding. They are also a great way to buy yourself more time to organise the rest of your wedding arrangements needed for your wedding invitations.
Why do people send Save the Date cards?
The main purpose for Save the Date cards is to inform people as early as possible about your wedding date so that they can plan travel arrangements, arrange time off work or decline other social invitations for that day.
People usually send Save the Date cards if they are getting married on a weekday, during peak holiday season, on a significant day such as New Years Eve, or if they have many guests traveling from afar.
When should I send Save the Dates?
This depends on when you are getting married, the type of wedding you are having and who you want to attend. Usually brides send their Save the Dates four to six months in advance of the wedding. However, if you have many guests who will be travelling from afar for your big day then try to give them as much notice as possible. You may choose to send the cards for long distance guests earlier and then send the ones to your local guests at a later date.
If you are having a destination wedding then it is not uncommon to send them nine to twelve months in advance. This is to allow your guests time to make travel arrangements and book time off work.
Do I need to send a Save the Date card to all my guests?
No, generally Save the Date cards are only sent to those people that you really want to attend your wedding or who may have to make arrangements far in advance. You can however send them to all of your guests if you want to increase the chances of everyone attending.
Just make sure that you send one to every person who is likely to have any contact before you send the invitations out. You don’t want family members to find out about your wedding through someone else and get upset because they haven’t received one.
Do not send your Save the Date cards as a way to announce your engagement. Only send them to people who will be receiving a wedding invitation.
What information should I include?
The Save the Date card doesn’t have to be too detailed. You don’t have to confirm the ceremony or reception venue but we suggest that you include the geographical location you are planning. It also helps to include an email address or phone number so they can contact you if they have any questions. If you are planning a destination wedding then it is common to include details of flights and hotels.
Do Save the Date cards need to match my wedding theme?
If you know what the colour scheme will be for your wedding then you can match the Save the Date cards.
Alternatively, you can be much more creative with your Save the Dates as they are more informal. They don’t even have to be cards. You could send a photo of you and your partner holding a sign with the special date, or a balloon that reveals the date when it is inflated. Fridge magnets are another popular idea as they will be a visible reminder of your date. The options are endless! Have some fun with your Save the Dates!
Image credit: Pepita Press
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